
Changing World

Constant change is one of the unalterable, unavoidable facts of life. What does the future hold? Can we see where the road ahead is leading? How can we get ready for what is coming, and can what we do or say make a difference?


When Jesus was calling people he would say, “Come, follow me.” Responding to these simple but profound words is a high calling. Find resources here to help others and yourself respond to Jesus in a way which bears lasting fruit.

Faith & Culture

Faith influences culture deeply, and is itself influenced by culture in its turn. The relationship is complex, being mediated by long-term social processes, and it is often misunderstood. Find resources here for understanding the relationship.


Freedom is the birthright of every human being, but many forces conspire to rob us of it.  We live in times where even the most basic freedoms are increasingly contested. This is a spiritual issue as much as a social or political one.


Who are we? Who am I? What does it mean to be human? False identities abound today. True identity cannot be reduced to personal choices, but is found in relationship with God, who made and designed us for a spiritual purpose.


What is marriage and what purposes does it serve? What is its history? How is it changing?  How can it be abused? What do faith and scripture have to say about marriage? What is the state’s responsibility in relation to marriage?

Religious Literacy

When people came to believe that scientific rationality had triumphed over religion – that ‘God is dead’ – many lost the ability to reflect intelligently on religion. Yet religion has continued to be a powerful force shaping our world.

Restoring Worldviews

Worldviews help us find our way. When they no longer match reality, they need to be adapted or completely replaced. Don’t let cognitive dissonance overwhelm, intimidate and cripple you: consider changing your worldview instead.

Understanding Islam

Followers of Islam make up almost a quarter of the world’s population. Islam is a major spiritual force in the world, which is often poorly understood and misrepresented, yet it has been playing a growing role in world affairs.

Leaving Islam

An unprecedented movement is taking place of people leaving Islam, partly in reaction against the Islamic revival. Find resources here for understanding this movement and for discipling Christians from a Muslim background.