22 Dec Two Courses on Islam: Witnessing in a Muslim Context
This youtube podcast, https://youtu.be/Mkmdd5Sfjio, is an interview of Dr Benjamin Hegeman and Dr Mark Durie by Andy Miller, president of Wesley Biblical Seminary. They are talking about the need for Christian workers to understand Islam better. The podcast introduces two courses, both designed to equip Christian...
06 Oct Is ‘Abrahamic’ a Useful Concept?
In this ME Forum Webinar, Mark Durie discusses whether the figure of Abraham can be a point of unity and whether the concept ‘Abrahamic’ is a help or a hindrance to peaceful coexistence. Mark Durie is the founding director of the Institute for Spiritual Awareness, a...
16 Sep Faith and Fear in Age of COVID Anxiety
Mark Leach and Mark Durie discuss Christian responses to the COVID crisis....
25 Aug Conversation with Dr Mark Durie: Understanding Afghanistan, Jihad and Islam
Transcript of the Conversation: Mark Leach is the Rector of Darling Street Anglican Church, in inner city Sydney, Australia. Mark was born in Zambia to Roman Catholic and Jewish parents. He grew up in Zimbabwe and South Africa, coming to a life-changing faith in Jesus as...
22 Jun Christian-Muslim Relations: Implications for Jews and Israel
A Webinar presentation for the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East in America. Mark Durie discusses Islamic Anti-Semitism and the way aspects of Christian-Muslims relations affect the ability of Christians to acknowledge and challenge this ancient hatred....
16 Sep The Importance of Understanding Islam
This is a presentation I gave for a Melbourne School of Theology Open Day. It is aimed at Christians. This Webinar explains why engaging with Islam is important, how to do it well, and what the fruit can be in terms of Christian mission and social...
25 Jul Mark Durie on Islam’s Crisis of Apostasy
By Marilyn Stern Mark Durie, Middle East Forum Writing Fellow, and Senior Research Fellow of the Arthur Jeffery Centre for the Study of Islam, spoke to participants in a July 25 Middle East Forum Webinar (video) about the crisis of faith in Islam as disillusioned Muslims...
11 Jul Loving Your Neighbour in Coronavirus Times (video)
The Bible’s radical call to love others and living it out in a pandemic....