22 Nov How Labor’s religious schools policy will hurt Christian schools and organisations
This video was created before the 2014 Victorian state election. However the outcome it predicted for religious organisations has taken until 2021 to be fulfilled, when the state Labor Government introduced amendments to discrimination laws, targeting religious organisations, which they had foreshadowed seven years earlier. To...
11 Nov How Victorian Labor’s religious schools policy will hurt Christian schools and organisations
This video was prepared in advance of the 2014 Victorian Election. The promised changes to anti-discrimination law targeting religious institutions did not happen until 2021....
05 Jan The Abolition of Slavery and the Truth of History
The Abolition of Slavery and the Truth of History A Speech Given at the The Gettysburg 150th Commemoration St Peter's Eastern Hill, Melbourne, Tuesday 192019 November Mark Durie A version of this address has been published by Quadrant, see here. Memories shape us powerfully. For all of us there...