01 Feb, 2014 The Abrahamic Fallacy
Introduction The Abrahamic Fallacy is the belief that Abraham is a figure of unity for Islam, Christianity and Judaism. The phrase “Abrahamic Religions” has become very popular as a cover-term for these three faiths. It is particularly popular among Jewish and Christian progressives on the one hand,...
05 Jan, 2014 The Abolition of Slavery and the Truth of History
The Abolition of Slavery and the Truth of History A Speech Given at the The Gettysburg 150th Commemoration St Peter's Eastern Hill, Melbourne, Tuesday 192019 November Mark Durie A version of this address has been published by Quadrant, see here. Memories shape us powerfully. For all of us there...
11 Dec, 2013 Lowering age of consent would harm anti-trafficking efforts
by Sam Hailes Reposted from Lapido media A public health official’s bid to lower the age of consent would undermine the fight against human trafficking, warns an Australian professor. Human rights activist Dr Mark Durie said the current law was ‘necessary…in order to prevent the trafficking of children’,...