Religious Literacy

Six years ago, when I was serving as the pastor of an Anglican church, the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission wrote to the parish requesting that it implement measures to stop our church from funding terrorists. Warning a quiet suburban Anglican parish against funding terrorism seems...

Today just about anything and everything may be objected to as ‘sending us back to the Dark Ages’, including restrictions on subsidies for renewal energies, growth in faith schools, acts of terrorism, destruction of art works, the popularity of right-wing parties in Europe, the rise of superbugs, and denial of global warming. The Dark Ages have become proverbial.

For at least four years, a copy of the Noble Qur’an was placed for public use in Canberra Airport's prayer room.  This particular edition of the Qur’an, printed in the millions by Saudi Arabia, has very disturbing footnotes, which promote an aggressively radical interpretation of Islam not very different from the doctrines and practice of ISIS.  It is disturbing that this particular Qur’an was selected for the prayer room. (After this article was published, the Qur’an was removed.)