11 Nov How Victorian Labor’s religious schools policy will hurt Christian schools and organisations
This video was prepared in advance of the 2014 Victorian Election. The promised changes to anti-discrimination law targeting religious institutions did not happen until 2021....
01 Oct Jihadi Islam: a further response to John Azumah
This is an edited version of an article posted by Fulcrum. John Azumah has taken yet another bite of the apple by releasing a third response to my Lapido Media article “‘Three Choices’ and the bitter harvest of denial”. This is an earlier response, now re-issued, in...
27 Sep Fear and the rhetoric of ‘unprecedented’ barbarity
By Mark Durie Many leaders have been stating that the Islamic State’s actions are ‘unprecedented’, ‘extreme’, ‘unique’, or even ‘eccentric’. Western leaders who are intervening in the Syria-Iraq conflict justify their actions by declaring the Islamic State to be uniquely evil. In announcing military action and...
26 Sep Muslims Need Truth and Love
This article first appeared in Eternity Magazine. The past few weeks have been hard ones for Australians, not least for Australian Muslims. Various alleged plots by Islamic State supporters to slaughter Australians has Islam in the news. Even as I write, five out of ten of...
05 Sep Complexity, Truth and the Islamic State: a Response to John Azumah and Colin Chapman
Recently Lapido Media published an article of mine entitled ‘Three Choices’ and the bitter harvest of denial: How dissimulation about Islam is fuelling genocide in the Middle East. In it I argued that Western theological illiteracy, made worse by demonstrably false statements put out by...
26 Aug Supporting Family Today – Why Marriage and Family Matters
15 Aug Christians are ‘asking’ to pay jizya: reflections on the Islamic State
An important documentary by VICE News was published in 2014 which used extensive footage gained by a journalist embedded with Islamic State forces. A video was published which from 29m 58s includes a section in which it was reported that Christians had asked for a...
12 Aug ‘Three Choices’ and the bitter harvest of denial: How dissimulation about Islam is fueling genocide in the Middle East
Published first by Lapido Media: see here. Also see summary and comment by Jenny Taylor here. In northern Iraq religious genocide is reaching end-game stage. Islamic State (IS) soldiers, reinforced with military equipment originally supplied by the US, are driving back Kurdish defenders who had been protecting...