In a previous post I offered some thoughts on the plebiscite to change the definition of marriage in Australia's Marriage Act. Here are some more reflections in the light of responses received to that post. Anyone who speaks up in favour of retaining the current definition...
It seems Australia is making its way to a postal vote on whether we should change our marriage laws to remove reference to gender, i.e. to make same-sex marriage lawful. Whatever the outcome of the postal vote, the parliament will still have to decide, and our...
As a follow-on to my previous post on Julia Baird's article on Christianity and Domestic Abuse, I note a vigorous response by Dr Steven Tracy, whose work Baird cited. I agree with many things Steven Tracy says about Baird's work, but I don't agree that she...
These notes are from sermon given at Oaktree Anglican on 18 June 2017. See the 'Chosen for Glory' sermon series here for the audio. The issue of equality between men and women, both inside and outside marriage, it one of the more challenging and significant social...
On June 5 in Brighton, Melbourne, at a spot I have driven past countless times, there was a terrorist incident. An armed Muslim, Yacqub Khayre, crying out support for the Islamic State and Al-Qaeda, took a hostage, killed a hotel worker, and engaged police in...