20 Nov Love alone is not enough: a response to Waleed Aly
Waleed Aly is a well-known Australian media commentator. This week on Channel Ten’s The Project he produced an impassioned and compelling speech about the Paris killings. This went viral, achieving 27 million views on social media within just a few days. That is more hits...
17 Nov Paris attacks were not ‘nihilism’ but sacred strategy
Leading commentator Janet Daley's article in Saturday's Telegraph ‘The West is at war with a death cult’ stands for everything that is woeful about European elites’ response to Islamic jihad. It is a triumph of religious illiteracy. The jihadist enemy, she asserts, is utterly unintelligible, so beyond...
03 Jul Sex Slavery and the Islamic State
Jamie Walker, Middle East correspondent for The Australian, asked two critical questions in a recent article which discussed the involvement of two Australian citizens, Mohamed Elomar and Khaled Sharrouf, in Islamic State sex slavery. In 2014 Elomar purchased sex slaves, of whom four, all Yazidis,...
25 Mar Challenging Islam’s Warrant to Kill
Last week the Islamic State’s ‘Hacking Division’ released the names and addresses of one hundred US military personnel. It urged the ‘brothers residing in America’ – i.e. American Muslims – to ‘deal with’ them, which is to say, it wants them killed. There is much talk...
21 Feb Bearing the cross: a letter to the Islamic State
This is the first of a two-part post on the 21 Egyptian martyrs killed in Libya. This first part is a reflection, as a Christian, on aspects of this event and reactions to it. The second part, ‘A message signed with blood to the Nation...
21 Feb “A Message Signed with Blood to the Nation of the Cross”
This post is a analytical explanation of a film produced by Al-Hayat Media of the Islamic State, which portrays the ritual slaughter of 21 Coptic Christians on a beach in Libya, in the film “A Message Signed with Blood to the Nation of the Cross”. ...
01 Jan From Broken Hill to Martin Place: Individual Jihad Comes to Australia, 1915 to 2015
One hundred years ago today, a lethal jihad attack was staged against New Year’s Day picnickers in Broken Hill, Australia. This attack and the recent Martin Place siege, events separated by almost exactly a century, show striking similarities. For Australians, the anxious question about the Martin...
23 Nov Islam: solution or problem, that is the question
A slogan of the Muslim Brotherhood is “Islam is the solution”. Anglican Dean Philip Jensen recently stated in regard to the Islamic State (ISIS) that “It is time to face the truth that Islam itself is part of the problem.” Solution or problem: what is...